Thursday, February 3, 2011

Truths about Sharks


1.Sharks eat a lot.
2. Sharks have good eyesight and can see in the dark.
3. Sharks have a poor sense of smell.
4. A shark grows thousands of teeth in its lifetime.
5. Sharks often attack humans.

1. False: Sharks eat about 2% of their body weight each day, a little less than a human eats.
2. True: Sharks see quite well and see better in the dark than people do.
3. False: Sharks have an excellent sense of smell. They can smell one drop of blood in 100 liters of seawater.

4. True: A shark may lose thousands of teeth in its lifetime. Sharks have several rows of    teeth  constantly growing and replacing the ones they lose. When a tooth is lost, the tooth behind it moves forward as though on a conveyor belt.
5. False: Attacks on people are very rare. You have a better chance of being struck by lightning, killed by honeybees or choking to death on your dinner than being attacked by a shark. Relax and enjoy the water.

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